Friday, March 25, 2011

A day at the Carnival

I know it's been a while...but we have been busy and I put the blog posts on hold.
A couple of weeks back we went to the Houston Live Stock Show and was a blast!
Lots of things  to do and see...we started at the carnival and worked our way to the live stock show.
I'd have to say the petting zoo was pretty cool, there we saw a little goat that had been born
twenty minutes before. I took Jonas through to see the animals...
we were among goats, lamas, pigs, donkeys, a baby dear and some sheep! Of course you can't go to the carnival without eating a ton of great food...and believe me we did.
I couldn't believe they had a camel of course
Jonas had to get on and I'm glad he did...cause I don't think you get too many
opportunities to ride one.
At the end of the day...we were beat and ready to go home.


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