Monday, November 15, 2010

Midland: Best in the West

I have no idea where to begin....
Recently as a family we traveled to west TX....Midland to be exact! If you've never been there before...Its a really small city (is it concidered a city??...maybe a town??...I don't know) Even though the city has grown a lot over the remains small compared to the monstrous city we live in. I once thought I could never move to a small city like Midland, but my thoughts have changed...Its definitely a place where you can slow down and raise your family. The territory seems to not be an issue either...therefore you can stay busy in the ministry as well. I guess the best part of Midland is grandma, aunt, and uncle are there! My parents have been planning a trip up there for some time, but we were not going to make it. At the last minute Ryan and I decided to join them. No one knew we were our going turned into a surprise! We had a great time and I'm glad we were able to go! the airport ready to leave
Breakfast at the airport before we left.

Suspicious activity outside our plane before we left...not something you want to see! 

Jonas watching a DVD on the plane

Not much going on in Midland!

My aunt losing it...she was a crying mess when she saw Jonas.

Jonas waiting in my aunts van for his car seat.

Jonas with uncle John collecting acorns! 

Jonas being spoiled by Lala (my aunt) 
Shopping spree...

We took Jonas to a park in Midland and here he was looking for the playground.

Oh, yeah...this is downtown Midland...amazing right?

The duck pond!

Another park we took Jonas to in Midland.

Before we left back home we stopped by this cute cupcake shoppe. 


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