Sunday, November 21, 2010

Midland: Icing on the cake

Hello everyone, let me start be saying...the ride up to Ft. Davis was truly icing on the cake for me! While pregnant with Jonas I received several as in about 20 crochet blankets!! I think they are all beautiful and since then learning to crochet has always been in the back of my mind. I once tried to crochet as a young child with my grandmother...but never did anything about it or showed interest again. Well, one of the sisters in our car group is an expert at crocheting!! Of course I jumped on the opportunity to learn on our drive up to Ft. Davis. We made a stop at walmart  to pick up some yarn and a hook. I'm not gonna lie...I had a really shaky start and never got the full hang of it. On the way home I was totally surprised that Rhonda decided to gift me with the beautiful scarf she made on our trip!! Wow, I could not love it more! It was so sweet of her to let me keep it! When I returned home...Rhonda sent me a link to a teacher on you tube and I gave it a try...I finally found a stitch I was half decent at and started my scarf it's not completed, but it's almost done. I guess I can check this off my check is going to be the guitar! I've already stared looking at all kinds of videos and we stopped by a music store to look at the guitars! 

My first few stitches 
I never finished this one with a tighter stitch 
This one was the one Rhonda made for me!
This is the one I'm almost done with.
My gear


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