Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Midland: Ft. Davis trip

While we were visiting my aunt in Midland, a couple of days out of the trip we took off to Ft. Davis for a little camping....well, maybe some of us camped and the others stayed in a nice warm lodge up the road! In this case I was part of the others. We left on Friday and returned on Sunday. Jonas had a blast as usual...he's our little out door guy! Some friends that attend the congregation in Midland also came. It was so much fun and we are really happy to have spent some time with new friends! The trip was surly something we will always remember because of the great company as well as a couple of hiccups...lets just say between the javelinas and the thunderous snoring...we have some stories to tell!

Breakfast before we left to Ft. Davis
Observational spot 
Forty cows inside.
unloading the cars...to set up camp
Restaurant at the lodge 
Our lodge
100 year old hotel
inside a local store
The gang in the back of my uncles truck
Our Lodge from up high
Huge spider right outside the place we stayed....not cool!  
The famous camp site that got invaded by pigs!
Ryan's foot...out of the hole the javelina made
The group minus me....somebody's got to take the pictures. 


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