Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dino Jo Jo

Lately Jonas has been obsessed with Dinosaurs! He started collecting them since he was about a year old or even earlier. Recently he bumped up his interest in them quite a bit. He watches Dinosaur Train and now Dino Dan! He can watch these two shows for hours. Ryan and I are amazed at how clearly he can say Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Brachiosaurus! I guess since he's so interested in them he puts forth an extra effort to learn all there is to know about them. I think out of all the kids shows on TV these two are pretty educational so I'm okay with him watching them over sponge bob!! (which I can not stand) Last night one of Jonas' friends gave him a ton of dinosaurs that she once collected. He was more than thrilled and almost immediately started making a "zoo" of the new ones as well as the ones he already had. He calls grouping together any kinds of animals a "zoo". I know it may seem hard to believe for a two year old, but he carefully lines up his toys to all face the same direction...sometimes big to small or big in the middle and to each side smaller to smallest. (that has to mean something) My living room has turned into a "zoo"!! If his interest continues in dinosaurs....who knows how many he will end up with and where we will store them! Here are a few pictures of his dinosaurs he lined up on the fire place...(I know these are not all of them either)

Playing with his dinosaurs while the recorded Dino Dan is on!


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