Sunday, October 3, 2010

Important: Read before use...

Okay, so if you walk into our kitchen it looks like I just gave birth last week...because of all the bottles! Jonas has been so good about transitioning himself into the next stage of development. Ryan and I have been so fortunate because when Jonas was nine months he just didn't want the pacifier any more, also when he turned thirteen months he didn't care to be breastfed any longer....same with sleeping in his own room in his "big boy bed" at a year and a half now with potty training. No problems! However, the bottle and my hair he will not part with!! (oh, did I mention he won't take any other nipple flow besides the "newborn"!!) Granted, I haven't even tried to break him of the habit...I guess I'm waiting for him to tell me he just doesn't want it anymore. We've taken him to the dentist (at eighteen months!) just to make sure the habit isn't messing with his teeth in any way, and he got an A+ for excellent teeth! would think I would be a pro at making bottles and properly cleaning them...well, about once a week I like to sterilize everything really good and this time around I thought....I'll just pop the bottles in the boiling water with the nipples and rings just for a bit....BIG MISTAKE! The phone rang...and I forgot I'd put them in. As I told my cousin Trish...they look like pieces of bacon (well...maybe I exaggerated a little Ha!) Six new bottles and $25.00 later I'm reconsidering letting Jonas choose when he's ready and not us!

This is our giant eraser (reminds me of Damaris!) 

Some pics of Jonas and his big'O self drinking a bottle!

First trip to the dentist at eighteen months!
First trip to the dentist at eighteen months!
Trying to ignore the Dentist


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