Sunday, October 31, 2010

There's a fungus among us!

Okay, so about a week or so ago Jonas started itching his feet...nothing too bad at first...then it became unbearable for him. He started to wake up every night because of the terrible itch! I took him to the Dr. after a few of the sleepless nights...and was told that it may be a virus which was coming through his hands and feet...but there was no I wasn't so sure this was the case. She was all over the place because then she thought it looked like an allergic reaction to something...either way I was told to give him benadryl and put a topical anti-itch cream on. (both I was already doing...with no signs of relief for him)  I left there basically with no more info than when I had arrived. So, being the persistent mother and worrier that I am...of course I made an appointment with a dermatologist at the Texas Children's Hospital! So, I'm thinking...these Dr.'s specialize in skin, and people from all over the world come here to see the best children's doctors...I thought...surly they will look at his feet and know instantly what it is and how to fix it. So, we get there and the hospital is totally set up for kids...everywhere you look there are things for children to look at and play with. It almost felt like a children's museum...until you look around and see all the sick kids in wheel chairs and laying on miniature gurneys. I definitely was not prepared to see this. It made me realize real quick how fortunate we are to have what we think of as a perfect child. We checked in and they handed us a buzzer that vibrates and lights up when they're ready for you...then we headed down to the cafeteria for lunch...and let me tell food has come a long least in the medical center...we had several food stations to choose from...including chick-fil-a and subway. We were called back and two Dr.s came in to look at his feet and hands...bottom line...they don't know what it is!! What a disappointment!! They gave him a scabies prescription...which I am not giving him...because clearing it is not scabies! It's such a strong medication and he has none of the symptoms of it actually being NO....not gonna happen! My mom and I looked it up online and we are thinking athlete's feet (all three Dr.'s said's not athlete's feet)...not really I'm treating it with all natural home remedies that are said to knock out any type of fungus. It  does look a little better...and I know it's not till it changes in any way...I'm just gonna sit tight and make him as comfortable as possible.

This may be hard to see, but trust me if your kid woke up at night frantically'd be concerned.

I thought we were at an airport or something...

waiting for the Dr. looking at all the cars and buses 
Testing for scabies... negative test results!
(and they still gave him the meds) 
Big cow by the elevators 
Ready for some cold milk and a movie for the ride home.


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